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Ravioli of crustaceans with crayfish sauce



Preparation Method

1. Sauce: Crush the heads and tongs, sauté 3-4 min in oil and butter, then flambé with cognac. Add tomatoes, garlic, herbs. Moisten with dry white wine at height, reduce to dry, moisten again at height with cream Fleurette liquid. At the first boil, remove the pan from the heat and set it aside. Season with salt and add cayenne pepper.
2. Stuffing: Cut the vegetables into cubes, brown them in butter, sweat them and moisten with a little water. Then, chop the meat of the crustaceans with the large grill. A tablespoon of the sauce allows binding this stuffing.
3. Cut large squares of ravioli, place a little stuffing on each, cover with another square and close the dough by hand. Cook 3-4 min in salted boiling water.
4. Return to the sauce, bring to a boil. Remove from the heat, add 30 to 40 g of cold butter and whisk to emulsify. Adjust the seasoning and serve the ravioli with the sauce, grated parmesan, basil leaves, and a dash of olive oil.

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